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SDCC framework - description

Framework contain

  • C start up code (org 5000, ld sp,STACK, …)
  • C functions for FLOS calls (FLOS_PrintString, …)
  • some examples, how to use all this stuff

Quick start

  • framework itself is located in directory “Contributions/Valen/c_programs/”
  • do not rename folders, because makefiles depend on them
  • you can run a few compiled examples

Example 1

FS.EXE - File system walk. Directory viewer / app launcher.

Example 2


Simple test all available FLOS functions.
Run this test with filename as argument (e.g. test1.exe somefile).
File must exist in current dir and have size more than $30 bytes.

tvtime-output-202932.png_FS_WALK.jpg (pic missing)

tvtime-output-202953.png_FS_WALK.jpg (pic missing)

Others examples are provided.

How to compile examples or your own programs (under WinXP)

You need:

  • SDCC 2.9.7 or later (I suggest to download installer, because it will automatically add SDCC folders to Windows environment vars)
  • GNU make for Win32
  • go to project dir (e.g. c_programs/src/test1)
  • run “C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe”

This pack was developed by Valen.

description.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/03 20:44 by z00m