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OSCA Versions Detailed Informations

Version names ending in 'N' are for NTSC TV
Version names ending in 'P' are for PAL TV
Both support VGA output.

Updates to OSCA

Latest version



  • mult_write, mult_read and mult_index are now also accessible through Z80 IO ports
  • mult_read/mult_write = port $28 (sys_mult_read, sys_mult_write)
  • mult_index = port $2a (sys_mult_index)

Previous versions



  • 28800 and 14400 BAUD support and IRQ feature added to serial port
  • PS/2 Interfaces updated: Now hold clock lines low when “byte_received_flag” is set
  • Video Interrupt can be enabled via normal “sys_irq_enable” port
  • Audio interrupt moved to bit 4 of IRQ enable


  • The upper 4 bits of the OSCA version ID now contain a PCB version code (1=V6Z80P, 2=V6+V1.0, 3=V6+v1.1)
  • PS/2 Interface modules changed to synchronous logic.
  • PS/2 interface write signal input changed to delayed CPU write (was using raw CPU write)


  • Linecop programs can now be placed anywhere in system RAM (on even byte boundaries) so can be upto 212KB in length. Register $20f doubles as Linecop add bits 18:16 when written with bit 7 set.


  • Audio system can now see all 512KB of System RAM (new location_hi register ports $24-$27)
  • Simplified flood filler to XOR (as proposed by Daniel)


  • Exp Pin B has weak pull-up


  • Added more flexible sprite-background priority control.


  • Audio mixing changed. Channels can be directed to left, right or both. Controlled by sys_audio_panning (port $22)


  • 255 colour flood mode added. In flood mode, When bit 4 of vreg_vidctrl is set the rule is simplified to: If pixel is 0, repeat last colour.


  • No new features above v665, however the sound system has been optimized and with the compilation option “keep hierachy” set to “soft” the used FPGA slices figure has dropped from 99% to 90%


  • Setting Bit 4 of sys_alt_write_page allows writes between $000-$1ff to go to the palette, whilst reads in that range return data from system RAM.


  • Video RAM window can be moved from default location $2000 to any 8KB boundary of Z80 address space (added the setting sys_vram_location @ port $21)
  • Includes ROM 6.15 (resets sys_vram_location on reset)


  • Added ability to expand pixels horizontally in chunky pixel mode. bit 3 of “vreg_vidctrl” enables and bits 0:2 “vreg_yhws_bplcount” sets the width


  • ROM version updated to v6.14 (requires bootcode 6.12)
  • Port $B (“sys_alt_write_page”) is now readable
  • When VGA mode is not selected H_Sync is now high (V6Z80P+ compatibility)


  • Change: The PAL and NTSC versions of OSCA now only contain the relevant sync generator. So to switch to the other TV system, it is necessary to put the alternative config in another slot and reconfigure the FPGA.
  • New: Port bit option to force VGA output to 50Hz (312 lines)
  • New: 8×8 Tilemode added
  • Change: Extended mode tilemaps are now positioned at $70000

From this version backwards, the only difference between the PAL and NTSC versions of the OSCA config/project was that the NTSC mode flip/flop (bit 2 in Z80 Port 9) is set by default in the NTSC version - it can be switched in software.


  • Made port $20 readable.
  • Reset button now clears “sys_alt_write_page”, meaning the ROM is paged in upon reset so the system can always start.
  • Reset logic simplified (optimization)
  • ROM updated (v612) - Port $20 is cleared on startup.


  • Added ability to select the 32KB bank of system RAM that resides at CPU address $0-$7fff (port $20).
  • Added a control bit to allow the first 32KB of system RAM to appear at CPU address $8000-$7fff.
  • Schematics for Port decode / registers tidied up in Xilinx project.


  • Added hi-res TV mode “filter” (vreg_ext_vidctrl bit 3)


  • ROM/Palette can now be paged out (0-$1ff = system RAM when bit 6 of port sys_alt_write_page is set)
  • When Video registers are paged out (with bit 7 of port sys_alt_write_page) $200-$7ff becomes system RAM (previously $700-$7ff was exluded)
  • Because of the above, the video status register “vreg_read” at $700 is now also available in port 7 (sys_vreg_read)


  • Recompiled with Keep Hierachy option set - this seems to have stopped a display glitch that occured in 652.


  • ROM updated to load new bootcode (6.11)
  • Port “sys_alt_write_page” bit 7 now pages out the hardware registers in the range $200-$6ff when set. The locations always READ as the system memory, and can be written to (without affecting the video registers) when the new option bit is set.


  • Fixed the Video IRQ flag (vreg_read bit 3) which at some point I'd accidentally connected to the video IRQ enable line, instead of the video IRQ status flag signal.
  • Tidied up video register schematics. Removed some async logic and negative clock logic. Fixed an unconnected input that had gone unnoticed.
  • Compiled with “keep hierachy: soft” - seems to work fine.


  • Writes to Live Palette Select bit now take effect at the start of the next scanline.
  • Modulo register special case: When $ff is written, the data-fetch offset counter is cleared at the start of each scan line (so the same background line is re-used repeatedly)
  • When sprite height is set to zero, sprite is 240 pixels tall (doesn't apply if matte mode is enabled)
  • New sprite priority mode bit: Allows sprites that are forced to the foreground by setting their height MSB to 1 (via priority mode) to maintain colours in the palette range 1-127, instead of changing to 129-255.


  • Added bitmap display modulo register (4th byte of odd bitplane loc registers) Vidctrl bit 5 (bitplane register bank select 0/1) sync'd to start of scanlines, Reset vram offset counter (writes to 4th byte of even bitplane loc registers) sync'd to start of scanlines


  • Some refinements to the audio system: audio_enable bits can now be read and audio IRQs generated.


  • Added interlace modes for TV displays
  • ROM now loads $800 bytes (was $2000 previously for some reason…)


  • New: Double buffered palette
  • Fixed glitch that crept in a few updates back concerning CPU writes to VRAM being corrupted if blitter running at same time (blitter pause / DMA timing redesigned)


  • New: Sprite x mirror, “force colours hi” + “matte” modes.


  • New: “LineCop” scanline sync'd video register writes (like Amiga's Copper)
  • New: Flood mode in chunky pixel bitmaps - automatic area filling.


  • Redesigned the tilemap architecture and extended its capabilities:
    • Single 2032 block tileset, 11 bit index, 2 bits for x/y tile flip.
    • Playfield priority swap bit


  • Despite the sole change being the addition of an inverter gate on the display mode jumper, v623 appeared to have a bug which froze the system, particularly when scrolling the screen in FLOS. This version is an attempt to fix that. It also contains a small ROM update (if bootcode CRC is bad, screen flashes magenta if bootcode databurst times out, screen flashes yellow)


  • Polarity of VGA mode jumper reversed. So jumper is now installed for VGA mode, removed for TV mode. This release turned out to be unstable for some reason.


  • New serial port architecture. Comm Port set to 115200 in config.
  • New ROM 6.02 (checks for bootcode in backup EEPROM location $10000 if normal location load fails)


  • ROM 6.01: clear blit_src_msb and blit_dst_msb on boot to help backwards compatibility with v5z80p programs (if a v6z80p program changed these from default zeroes, and then a v5z80p program ran afterwards, the blitter would use incorrect locations, ie: above 128KB in VRAM)

osca_version_info.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/03 15:57 by z00m